Letter of Concern for not Completing Project on Time

Letter of Concern for not Completing Project on Time

1: Subject: Concern for not completing the project on timeDear Johnson, I am writing you this letter in response to your performance report submitted by your manager yesterday. In that report, it has been mentioned that you have been failed to complete and submit that project which was allocated to you a month ago. He was of the view that one month was plenty much time for a project to be completed but you, owing to your sheer negligence, have failed to complete it within a specified limit of time.…

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Letter of Explanation for Mortgage Lender

Letter of Explanation for Mortgage Lender

Whenever a contract is opened or policies are distributed, it is ensured that everything is written or detailed minutely and signed by all the parties involved. This helps in the legality of any problem that may arise afterward or as to what course of action should be adopted in case one of the parties default to abide by the contractual agreement. Even after all the efforts and necessary steps are taken, situations do arise where either the borrower or the lender fails to fulfill their part of the agreement. In…

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