There are certain rules and regulations which every employee working in an organization has to abide by. These are basically underlined as the company’s code of conduct and any employee whose behavior does not comply with the code of conduct as laid down by the company becomes subject to serious action being taken against him. Termination is a process by which a company fires its employee with whom it no longer wishes to continue working due to his non-conducive behavior.
Termination is not an immediate step taken by the company if it observes certain non-acceptable behavior by its employee. The employee is first warned verbally of his actions. If he continues with his same attitude and seems reluctant to change then a warning letter is issued in his name. After a written warning if the employee changes himself then the company continues to work with him else the employee is terminated as he has left no other option for the company. The document through which an employee is intimated of his termination is known as the employee termination letter.
This letter is written by the employer to the employee informing him that the company no longer wishes to work with him anymore. The employer in the letter states the reason for terminating the employee. He is said to return all the companies belongings which were given to him during his course of work with the company. If there are certain dues left to be paid by the organization, they are all cleared up by the company upon termination.
Sample letter
Mr. James,
ABC Group of companies.
Mr. Green
Manager Marketing.
ABC Group of companies.
Dated: 6th November, 20XX
Subject: Termination of services
Dear Green,
This is to inform you that this year your contract with the company will not be extended further as we no longer wish to continue having you as our marketing manager. This decision was taken due to your mischievous actions which were observed over a certain period.
You know we were running short of funds a couple of months ago and this did not appear usual to us. Upon investigating we came up with the conclusion that someone is misusing the company funds and it was none other than you who had been doing it. Green you had stolen money from the company funds and rather than accepting what you had did you preferred to run away with the money but fortunately, we have caught you. You had certainly disappointed us to a great length. We did not expect this from you.
You had committed a heinous crime due to which we cannot spare you. We have decided to terminate you from the company following your act of misconduct. Your previous month’s salary was transferred to your account but this month we had decided that no salary will be transferred to you unless our money is recovered from you. We have filed a case against you. You will soon be intimated the same through our lawyers.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. James.
ABC Group of companies