Letter Highlighting Permanent Change in Working Hours

A letter highlighting the permanent change in the working hours is a letter that is written by an employer of an organization. It can be addressed to the employees or the customers. In this letter, the employer informs the addressee that the working hours have been changed permanently. It also states the date from which the change will be effective as well as any other changes that come along.

The employer may want to change the working hours to increase:

  • Efficiency,
  • Effectiveness,
  • Resource utilization,
  • Sales,
  • Profitability,
  • Customer satisfaction, etc.

When the employer makes that revision during working hours, it clearly informs the concerned parties, formally, through a written letter or notice, so as to avoid any sort of inconvenience, misunderstanding, and issues. The working hours’ variation, sometimes, only affects the employees. However, if the business deals with the customers directly, e.g., if the business is a retail store, the change would affect the customers as well, and the organization, then, has to inform both its employees and customers about the new working hours through a formal letter.

The letter highlighting the permanent change in the working hours is, usually, concise, but the length of and information in it can vary as per the organization’s requirements and scenario. In addition, the employer may or may not want to disclose the reason behind the change. However, generally, the following details are included:

  • Date.
  • Details of the addressee.
  • Details of the addresser.
  • The changed working hours.
  • State that it is a permanent change.
  • Date of effectiveness.
  • Reason for the change, if the employer wants to provide it.
  • Probable effects of the change.
  • Any attached documents/notices.
  • Seek strict adherence to the new hours.
  • Salutations and signature.

As this is a formal, duly signed letter, it can clear all the ambiguities for the addressee. The employees would clearly know when they would have to change their routine, and the customers can skip the unnecessary visits during the non-working hours.

This letter also goes in the company records, as it can be used for any future reference, in case any issue arises. It can even be used as evidence for legal purposes, as it has the employer’s signature on it, and if it is a hard copy, it is issued on the company letterhead. Now, the companies even have letterheads and logos, with a digital signature, for soft-copy letters as well.

Sample Letter




Dear employees,

It is to inform you that we have changed the working hours from 8:00 a.m.- 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. This is a permanent change and will be effective from 1st July 20XX.

We have been observing that the customer inflow is mostly higher in the changed hours, which is why we deem it practical to open the store in the hours that the customers come in. It is a waste of resources to open the store when there are almost no customers, and impractical to close it when the customers are coming.

Therefore, we have made this permanent change in the working hours as well as the store timings. We are hoping that this change will increase the sales turnover and the overall profit generation. We are attaching a separate notice for the customers with this letter stating the store timings. Please paste it on the entrance door to avoid any inconvenience for the customers.

Please observe the new working hours strictly. Thank you.


Sarah William.

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