Dear employees, it is to intimate for you that the company has revised its official timings. The new timings now are 07:00 am to 04:00 pm, effective from Monday. All employees from all the departments are advised to follow the new timings or shall be penalized as per the company policies.
Dear staff, we are happy to announce that the company has finally decided to comply with the request for a time change from our employees. We have changed the timings to 08:00 am to 05:00 pm for the convenience of our workers. You are expected to abide by the new timings from Monday.
I, CEO Skyrocket Solutions, am writing this letter to inform all the company workers that from the coming Monday, the new official work timing for the company will be 09:00 am to 07:00 pm. All the employees, regardless of the nature of duties, are expected to oblige the new time. Should you have any problems, please contact the HR department.
We at Fix It All would like to announce that despite Covid-19 restrictions lifting, we have changed our official work hours to 08:00 am to 05:00 pm as per our previous timings right from Monday. We understand it is not easy to comply with this change on such short notice, but we will appreciate your cooperation with us. Together, we can work it out.
Dear staff members, it is brought to your notice that from 10th June, your timing will be changed to 08:00 am to 05:00 pm. The company has made this decision in the light of the government lifting the social distance SOP due to vaccines. You are requested to follow the guidelines.
Dear all, after having multiple board meetings on the subject matter, we finally have come up with the new official timings. For the day shift, you are required to work between 07:00 am to 05:00 pm and the night shift employees must abide by 05:00 pm to 05:00 am. You will have the weekend off as per usual. This new regulation is effective from Monday. All employees are required to make it to the office by their designated time. Any deliberate delay in obligation shall be subjected to disciplinary action.
Dear [X], it is intimated to you that the new work hours from coming Monday, 00-00-0000, will be 00:00 am to 00:00 pm with all the same rules and regulations. We hope you are comfortable with this new timing as we have decided this only for your convenience. Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact the HR department and discuss it at your earliest.
Respected employees, with the arrival of summer, we have decided to change the official timing of the company. You are now required to join the office from 00:00 am to 00:00 pm right from Monday. Any deliberate delay or carelessness will lead to disciplinary action against you. We thank you for your cooperation.