Re. Notification of Salary Deduction Referring to Uninformed Absence for One Week
Dear Sir, This letter serves as a notification letter. With reference to the above-mentioned subject, the management intends to deduce an amount of 5% from your salary for the month of June. The purpose of deducing the salary is to reprimand your uninformed absence from 5th June 20XX to 10th June 20XX. The other purpose is to implement the uninformed absence reprimand policy of the company to set a pattern and rule for other employees who will abstain from doing so in case.
It is informed to the Human Resource Department from your immediate supervisor that you remained absent from the office without informing your supervisor through any medium. Our company has set some rules and principles on which the working skeleton of the company stands. Those rules and principles include endorsing and entailing the punctuality of the workers. In case of unavoidable circumstances, the worker is required to inform the reason for the absence. In case of not uninformed absence, the worker can inform the office on the next day.
In this case, the excuse that you presented to the administration on the account of uninformed absence does not meet the required measure for remaining absent from work for one week. While being absent because of unavoidable situations, you are required to inform the office of Human Resource Management. To reprimand, you have to bear the deduction of 5% from your gross salary for the month of June only. For more, you can contact the accounts department or email at [EMAIL].
Thank you.
Oliver Smith
General Manager
Holistic Technopathy Group
8/11 C DMS Ave, American Golf Stadium Road
San Diego, CA, USA

Re. Salary Deduction on Uninformed Absence
Dear Noah,
This letter is written to inform you that your uninformed absence from the office from 3rd June 20XX to 5th June 20XX has charged you with a certain deduction in your salary for the month of July 20XX. This letter serves as a reprimand notification for not meeting the rules and regulations for working in the office. There is a set of rules for every employee and a method for getting leave from the work.
The appropriate method of getting leave from work is to send an email or a letter to the Human Resource Management including all the details and reasons behind the absence. In the report, it is told that you remained absent for a long time i.e., three days without informing. During this, you did not pick any of the calls from the office and did not respond to any of the emails.
On 5th June 20XX, we had a meeting with Arab clients on our IT project in the hotel located in Dubai. The clients were invited by the Management with the consent of all the project management team but you remained absent that day too. Mr. Noah, you possess an important designation in the company and hence your carefree attitude towards these responsibilities imparts grave results on the project management.
We expect that being a senior project manager, you should have a firm, serious, and highly committed, and professional attitude towards your work. The details of the deduction in the salary can be taken from the accounts department. We hope this shall not repeat in the future but if it repeats it can cost you in loss of privileges, demotion, or other reprimanding rejoinders. Thank you.
Jessica Hobart
Assistant Manager
Y-11, 118th Street, Recaptia Residentia
San Diego, CA, USA