Thank you letter to someone for an award, bonus or raise

When you receive an award, bonus or raise at work, it is courteous to respond with a properly written thank you note. It shows how much you appreciate being chosen for this special privilege. This letter should not be delayed. Write it within a couple of days after receiving the honor. In this way, you will be able to prove that you are sincerely thankful to your boss.

Here are some tips to help you compose this type of letter.

Convey your Gratitude

Express your deep gratitude for receiving an award, bonus or raise. Remember that it is through the generosity of your boss that you receive a bonus or a raise. You must, therefore, acknowledge this act of generosity. It is not only courteous but also shows you are humble and obliging. If you adopt a casual attitude upon receiving an award or bonus, your superiors might think that you are an employee who is too proud and considers it to be his right rather than a privilege.

Acknowledge the special honor

When you receive an award, bonus or raise, it is because of your hard work and capabilities. You must thank your superiors for this appreciation and recognition. Your boss or organization should know that you are thankful and acknowledge the fact that it is a special honor for you.

Promise to Keep up the Good Work

After expressing your gratitude, give assurance to keep up your performance. Being awarded with a bonus or raise gives motivation to employees. In case you do not mention that you are feeling encouraged by this act, your boss might not give you this privilege in future. Therefore, do state that you feel motivated to perform even better. Promise to live up to your organization’s expectations after honoring you with an award or raise.

Maintain Humility

The purpose of this thank you letter is to show your gratitude. This must be done with modesty. Do not use any words or tone which make you look proud or vain. You must always state that you feel honored. Moreover, express your surprise at being chosen for this special and generous benefit.

Here are some sample letters to give you an idea about how to thank someone for an award, bonus or salary raise.

Sample Letter -1

Dear XYZ

Thank you for acknowledging my hard work this year by presenting the (name of award) to me. I am grateful to you for considering me worthy of this title. I feel truly honored and appreciate this recognition. After receiving this award, I feel more enthusiastic about my job. I am pleased that the organization appreciates my contributions. I will continue my hard work with enhanced zeal.

Once again, thank you for this appreciation and honor.

Thank you letter to someone for an award, bonus or raise

Sample Letter -2

Dear XYZ

I would like to express my gratitude to you for providing me with the bonus this month. I am grateful for your generosity. I must say it came as a very pleasant surprise to me as I was not expecting an extra check enclosed with my regular salary. Thank you for this unexpected yet delightful bonus right before the holiday season. I shall put it to good use to enjoy the festivities with my family.

Thank you letter to someone for an award, bonus or raise

Sample Letter -3

I am sincerely grateful to you for giving me a generous pay raise. Thank you for considering me worthy of this increment. I feel honored to be acknowledged and rewarded for my hard work.

I understand that a salary raise is always accompanied by higher expectations for even better work performance. I shall try my best to come up to your expectations and work even harder than before. I feel more motivated and energetic towards my job. Thank you for providing this impetus to me.

Once again, thanks to you and the company for this generosity. 

Thank you letter to someone for an award, bonus or raise

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