Vehicle Log Book


A vehicle log book maintains a record of the servicing of your automobile. Car workshops keep such records for each of their clients. Having a copy of your vehicle log with you will be helpful. You should get your vehicle serviced regularly. It is important to remember things like when you changed the oil last time. In this way, you will know when to visit the workshop next.

A vehicle maintenance log record several numbers for your automobile. These include the mileage, date for the last oil change and other services. At workshops, the cost for each service can also be recorded in the log. This helps in making the final bill. A separate log is maintained for each individual vehicle. It has the automobile’s model number, license number, and its owner name written at the top. In this way, each vehicle’s particular record can be identified at a single glance.


You can look for a vehicle log template on the internet. Print one and keep it for your own use. Apart from service records, a vehicle log can also be used to record the usage of a particular automobile. It includes important numbers like fuel consumption and the covered distance. Daily usage of a car can be recorded in this way. This information is very important for vehicle rental companies. A vehicle log is, therefore, a formal excel worksheet which serves many important purposes. Free templates can be printed from the internet. Users can personalize them or use them without making any changes.


vehicle log book template



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