Warning letters are meant to stop any undesirable act or behavior displayed by an individual working in any capacity which disrupts the companies’ working environment. As individuals, we are lawfully bound to abide by the rules and regulations of our workplaces. Sometimes we may not like them but we are bound to follow them.
Workplaces demand discipline which needs to be followed by all working there. Any person who harms the working environment invites serious trouble for himself/herself. Normally it follows by giving a verbal warning first. If the person follows your verbal instruction then it is well and good but if he/she does not then the next step is to devise a warning letter in the respective name of the individual.
A warning letter should not be written in a harsh tone. They must be written in a professional manner and in a professional tone, reasoning the cause for issuing the letter and giving the warning to stop doing the unrequired act or behavior. The letter should end on a positive note.
When we are working in an organization, our behavior not only affects the companies’ environment but it also hurts the sentiments and feelings of others around us. One should always be careful with what it communicates to others of him/her. At times, not words but our body language plays an important role in depicting our tone. One should be mindful of what it says and what it does.
Sample letter
Mr. Den
[Company Name]
Mr. Fred
Assistant Manager,
[Company Name]
Dated: 27th July, 20XX
Subject: Warning letter for threatening harm to the visitor
Dear Fred,
Last week when Miss Jenny a visitor from the Textile had come to show us some of her hand made clothing. We had chosen you as a representative of the company in front of her. Fred, you had openly not only disliked her work but you also used harsh words for her. It was certainly not your responsibility to show agreement or disagreement with the designs she had presented. In fact, if you had an opinion you should have kept it to yourself and if this was not possible then you should have talked to the management about this.
You had displeased the lady by openly commenting on her piece of work which is not tolerable. You had earlier done the same with Mr. Green a month ago for which we had given you a verbal warning.
Fred, you had worked well in the company over the years and had been a good employee. You are not new to customer dealing. You are very much aware of the threat it causes to the organization’s repute when a customer/visitor complains about anything. Consider this letter as your final warning as anything after this will lead to serious action being taken against you.
I hope that we will not see the same in the future.
Regards, Mr. Den
[Company Name]