My name is Edgar Poe and I belong to a small town in Texas where there are not many facilities and opportunities for young individuals. I recently graduated from high school, and I had been waiting for my high school certificate impatiently so I could apply for an undergraduate in [X] university. As you already know how hard it is to enroll in a mainstream educational institute on account of nail-biting competition.
Luckily, I received an offer for a scholarship from [X] university owing to my ethnicity. I was hoping to get enrollment in this intake but unfortunately, I am now unable to do so. Upon receiving my high school certificate just a few days ago, I found out that my DOB written on it is incorrect. Now, my birth and middle school certificates have a different DOB than my high school diploma.
Owing to this mismatch, the university rejected my application calling me a fake student. This one incorrect data on my high school diploma has caused me a big tragedy. I have made a plea to let me reapply with the correct data on my documents and fortunately, it has been accepted.
I, now, request you correct the DOB on my high school certificate matching it with my birth certificate which I have attached to this letter. Kindly give a priority to my application so I could apply for the scholarship again.
Should you need to discuss anything in this regard, please call me anytime at 000-000-000
Edgar Poe

To whom it may concern
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
This is Neil Patel writing to you to address a grave concern with a very heavy heart. My original DOB is [DATE] which is mentioned on my birth certificate and my elementary and middle school certificates too. However, for unknown reasons, it is not the same in high school. My DOB mentioned on my high school certificate is factually wrong and it is creating big trouble for me in my work and educational life.
At first, I did not pay much attention to it and continued with my undergraduate studies. But now my undergraduate degree also has the wrong DOB because the concerned authority wrote the one written on my high school diploma without consulting me. To get it corrected on my BS degree, I must first apply for a correction on the school certificate.
Moreover, I am either rejected or my application gets delayed because of this clash in my DOB. Employers are reluctant as they consider me illegal. I am fed up with this situation now and want to get rid of it as quickly as possible.
It is, therefore, requested to you correct the DOB on my high school certificate and issue me a new one with the right information. I’d be highly obliged to you.
Please check the attached documents for authenticity. If you have anything to confirm, please call me at 000-000-000 anytime.
Neil Patel