Letter to Note the Employment Anniversary

When an employee completes a significant number of years of service, he is officially congratulated for this accomplishment. His employment anniversary is noted by acknowledging him through an official letter. He may also be rewarded with a bonus or an appreciation gift. These are gestures used to honor the employee for his successful work and loyalty towards his company.

Employees need to be appreciated from time to time in order to provide them encouragement for their work. Noting an employee’s anniversary is a way of motivating him by acknowledging his services. Therefore, this letter should provide praise to the employee for the role he plays at his job.

The following discussion explains what the contents of this letter should be. 

  • Congratulate the Employee

Successfully completing a specific tenure at the workplace is an achievement for an employee. It proves his consistency towards work as well as his loyalty for his employer. The letter should, therefore, begin by congratulating the employee for this accomplishment. 

  • Appreciate his Achievements

Talk about his achievements at work. He should be praised for his professional progress. It is not necessary for every employee to have shown a considerable growth over the years. In this case, you may state that you are happy for the experience he has gained and all he has learned. It is important to maintain positively in this letter and avoid mentioning the shortcomings or failures of the employee.

  • Thank him for his Services

An employee who has been serving you for a long time deserves an expression of gratitude from his employer. Appreciate his work and thank him for being a part of your team. You should make him feel that you really value whatever role he has been playing for the company. In this way, his devoted work will be acknowledged. In addition, you should also thank him for his sincerity and loyalty towards the company. When an employee has been working for you for a long time, he becomes reliable as well as trustworthy. It should, therefore be stated that he can be entrusted with tasks with complete confidence from the company.

  • Highlight Particular Accomplishments

Mention any special achievements made by the employee. It may be a successful project, a deal with a client, a significant promotion or any other accomplishment worth mentioning.

Sample Letter

XYZ Corporation wishes you heartiest congratulations on completing 10 years of service with the company. You have been a consistent, sincere and reliable employee. Having you as a member of the XYZ team is a pleasure for us. 

Your journey from Junior Assistant Manager to the Head of the IT Department is commendable. You have learned and shown significant professional growth and improvement over the years. The company appreciates you for your steady achievements. Your hard work and diligence have earned you a respectful place among all the employees. While the higher management admires you for your work, your colleagues and juniors also speak highly of you. 

The company is grateful to you for your services. The IT Department has become more organized since you took over as the head. We specially appreciate your efforts for updating the company’s database system in order to make it more efficient. 

We expect you will continue to work with the same level of diligence and passion towards your work. Once again, congratulations on your 10th anniversary as an esteemed XYZ employee. 

Letter to Note the Employment Anniversary of an Employee

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