Medical Leave Applications

Short-term medical leave

This is to inform you that I am suffering from viral flu and fever. My doctor has suggested that I take complete rest for two days. I have also been prescribed antibiotics so that I can have a speedy recovery. Therefore, I request that you grant me leave for a couple of days to feel better before I get back to work.

I will return to work on Thursday, 22 March. I assure you that this leave will not affect my progress on the current project.

I have attached a copy of the doctor’s prescription to this letter. I appreciate your consideration.

Long-term medical leave

I am writing to request a long-term leave from work. I have been diagnosed with (name of the disease), which requires (description of the specific treatment). The treatment will take a month, followed by a recovery period of 3 to 4 weeks. Therefore, I need 2 months’ leave from the office. I am indebted to you for granting my Request.

I understand that my official annual leave does not extend beyond 3 weeks. However, my medical condition has put me in a predicament, and I have no other choice but to take a break from work for the mentioned period. Kindly make an exception for me due to particular circumstances. I request you to approve my leave from 1 May.

I have asked Mr. XYZ to take over my current project. He has gladly agreed to lead my team during my absence. In addition, the assistant manager, Mr. AB, C, will handle all other affairs under my responsibility while I am away from the office. I will be in constant correspondence with him through phone calls and email.

I shall return to work on (date). If my recovery goes well, I might be able to resume work sooner. On the other hand, if the healing process takes longer than expected, I may need a few more days off. In either case, I shall inform the office in advance.

I have attached copies of my medical reports, prescription, and doctor’s notes for verification.

I shall be grateful to the management for its support and consideration of my situation.

Long term medical leave application

Short-term disability leave

I would like to request short-term disability leave. I sustained a hairline fracture in my knee during a minor accident that happened two days ago at home. Per the doctor’s strict instructions, I must complete bed rest for two weeks. Kindly refer to the attached medical reports for verification.

I shall be grateful to you for approving my leave from 16 May.

Pregnancy Leave

I am writing to apply for the company’s allocated maternity leave. My tentative due date is (date), so I would like to start my leave from (date). My assistant, Mr. XYZ, will perform my work duties during my absence. I will contact him and the rest of the department through email.

I’d like to request that you approve my three-month maternity leave as per the company’s policy. I appreciate your cooperation.

Medical Leave Application for College

a. Request for short-term absence from college

I am John Doe, a third-semester biochemistry student at your college. Due to seasonal allergies, I have been feeling under the weather for the past couple of days. My doctor has prescribed antihistamines along with bed rest for three days. I respectfully request you to grant me leave from (date) to (date). I shall be grateful.

b. Request for long-term absence from college

I am writing to apply for long-term leave from college due to my poor medical condition. I have recently been diagnosed with jaundice. According to my bilirubin blood test results, the doctor has speculated that the disease will take around a month to subside. The doctor has advised me to follow a course of the prescribed medication along with a special diet, enhanced fluid intake, and lots of rest. Any physical exertion may cause the ailment to become prolonged. Therefore, I have been strictly advised to take complete bed rest.

I have enclosed my medical reports with this letter. Please be considerate of my situation. I would really appreciate it if you granted me leave from (date) to (date).

I will study extra hard to make up for the missed lectures. Once I return to college after my recovery, please allow me to appear for the missed weekly assessment exams. I really appreciate your cooperation.

c. Medical Leave Application to skip examination

I am (name), a student of (semester and course). I am writing this letter to humbly request that you let me skip the upcoming 2nd Term Examinations owing to my poor medical condition. I have recently been diagnosed with (name of the disease), which requires immediate treatment. I will be admitted to the hospital tomorrow, where my two-week treatment will begin. As a result, I will be unable to appear for my exams.

Please have a look at the enclosed medical reports and medical certificate. I am grateful to you for making an exception for me. I will take these exams once I have fully recovered.

Your cooperation will be much appreciated.

d. Medical Leave Application to skip classes

I am writing to request you allow me to skip my classes for one month. I had an accident two days back that resulted in several injuries. I am unable to get up from the bed due to a minor fracture in my back. The doctor has strictly advised me to take complete bed rest. The expected recovery will take a month. I shall be grateful to you for allowing me to skip my regular classes during this period.

e. Leave application for medical check-up

I beg to state that I need to take a day off from college for my medical checkup. I am suffering from a skin-related issue that is causing me a great deal of discomfort. Therefore, I must consult a dermatologist as soon as possible to seek a remedy. My appointment is scheduled for tomorrow at 9 a.m. Kindly grant me leave for a day.

I thank you in anticipation.

Medical Leave Application for Employee

a. Leave for bad health

I would like to request two days of leave from the office due to my bad health. I am suffering from diarrhea, and the resulting dehydration has made me feel relatively weak. I am unable to carry out my regular office duties. Therefore, I request you allow me to rest at home for a few days. I shall return to work on Thursday.

b. Leave due to accident

Please be informed that I was in an accident yesterday as an overspeeding car hit me while driving back from the office to home. I was taken to the ER immediately. Thankfully, there haven’t been any serious injuries. However, my neck muscles have poorly been sprained due to the physical shock of the collision. The doctor has advised me to wear a collar for a week and take complete rest. I have been forbidden to travel during this period as even a minor jerk may worsen my condition. I, therefore, request you to approve my leave application.

Please find enclosed my medical reports. Your cooperation will be much appreciated.

c. Leave due to wife’s bad health

This is to inform you that I require leave from the office due to my wife’s bad health. She is suffering from (name of disease) and needs constant care. PI is attaching her medical reports.

We are the only adults in the house, living with two kids. Therefore, I am responsible for looking after her and caring for our kids until she recovers. I request you to grant me leave from (date) to (date). I will be in touch with my supervisor during all this time for any urgent task.

I hope you understand my situation. I await your approval.

d. Leave application for child’s lousy health

I am writing to request you to grant me leave on account of my child’s surgery, which has been scheduled for 10 June. We must fly to (name of the place10 June as the surgery will take place at X8 Junepital, where they have the best childcare facilities. They will keep my child there for one week for post-surgery treatment. Therefore, kindly grant me leave from (date) to (date).

I shall be grateful to you for approving my leave application. 

e. Leave for child’s lousy health

I request you grant me a day’s leave as my three-month-old son is not feeling well. He has been coughing all night and is also suffering from a fever. I need to take him to the doctor today. I would really appreciate it if you let me take one day off from the office.

f. Leave application to boss for personal surgery

It is to inform you that I will be undergoing surgery next week for the removal of a cyst on my arm. You already know my situation, as I discussed my medical reports with you during our meeting yesterday. I request your approval to grant me medical leave from (date) to (date).

I appreciate your support and cooperation during this time.

Medical Leave Application for Operation

a. Leave for personal operation.

I am writing to apply for sick leave on account of my appendix operation. I have been experiencing severe pain in my lower abdomen for the last 2 days. Upon check-up yesterday, the physician diagnosed appendicitis and recommended an urgent operation. My surgery will accordingly be performed this afternoon. The recovery period will take from 1 to 2 weeks. Therefore, I request you grant me leave for 2 weeks starting from (date) to (date). I have submitted my reports and medical certificate to the admin for verification.

Although I cannot perform any regular activities during the first couple of days after the operation, I will contact my work team through email and videoconferencing from (date) onwards. I will try my best to contribute as much as possible to various office tasks from home.

I would like to thank you in advance for the approval of my medical leave.

b. Personal operation

This letter informs the management that I have been scheduled for an operation for (description of medical condition) next week. Therefore, I request you to grant me leave for one week from (date) to (date).

I have already informed my supervisor, Mr XYZ, about it. We have devised a way to cope with the office work during my absence. I am grateful to Mr XYZ for his cooperation.

I shall be obliged to the company for approving my leave.

C. Leave application for typhoid

I beg to state that I need sick leave owing to my poor health condition. I have been experiencing abdominal pain along with a fever for a few days. My lab tests have revealed that I am suffering from typhoid. Therefore, I request you to give me one week off from work to let me rest and recover. I shall re-join office on 17th June.

I am attaching my doctor’s reference for June 17 and medical test reports.

D. Leave application for back pain

It is requested to allow me to take one day off from work owing to back pain. I have been experiencing stiffness in my lower back since yesterday. I am unable to sit too low because of the pain. Kindly approve my leave for today. I shall return to work tomorrow.

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