Real estate agent letters to inform low-interest rates

Letter -1

Hello [Prospect name],

I got the news that you are currently with your family enjoying vacations in [name of place]. I must acknowledge that the beauty of (name of the place) is matchless. The greenery and the beach with a perfect sunset view are a must see. I myself went there with my family once to cherish the spectacular scenery. However, I am writing you this letter to deliver good news to you.

Fortunately, the interest rates in [name] area have dropped by [percent value]. Thus, if you find yourself interested in knowing the available options for buying a property then let me know. Click on the link attached to book a time for a private meeting directly on my personal calendar

(Link to Meeting tool).

Have a perfect vacation.

Real estate agent letter to a client to inform low interest rates

Letter -2

Hello [Prospect name],

I called your office yesterday to deliver you good news personally, but I was told that you are currently on leave and are in [name of place]. I hope that you are enjoying your vacations as this place is famous for attracting a huge number of tourists every year.

I would like to apologize you for disturbing you on your vacations but the news I have cannot wait for your return. Luckily the interest rates in your area have dropped by [percent value]. It is the perfect time for the listing of your property in [name of area].

If you would like to know about your options leave me a message or click on the link attached to book a time for a private meeting directly on my personal calendar [Link to Meeting tool].

Enjoy your time in [name] area.

Real estate agent letter to a client to inform low interest rates

Letter -3

Hello [Prospect name],

Hope you are doing fine. I tried contacting you through your official number but was unable to reach you despite of making several attempts. Yesterday I was told by your office staff that you are currently out of town for a business meeting, so I am writing you this letter as a mean of contact.

Firstly, accept my apology for disturbing you on your business tour but as I have a very good news for you I would like you to know it too. In our last conversation you showed interest in buying a property in [name] area as you liked its whereabouts and how it is situated in the heart of the city thus, making it a perfect site for business dealings.

Coincidently the interest rates of this area have dropped by [number] percent. This is a perfect time for buying property there. If you are still interested in buying property in this area, then I might have several good options for you.

I would like to discuss these options in a private meeting therefore, click on the link attached to book a time for a private meeting directly on my personal calendar [Link to Meeting tool].  

Real estate agent letter to a client to inform low interest rates

Letter -4

Hello [Prospect name],

Please accept my apology for writing you this letter knowing that you are currently out of the town for attending a personal function. But as you once discussed with me about your interest in buying a property in [name] area I have good news for you regarding that discussion.

The interest rates for this area have dropped down to [number] percent. This is the lowest rate recorded till today. If you still find yourself interested in buying a property here, then this is golden opportunity for you.

If you would like to know further details about the matter contact me at [contact details] or click on the link attached to book a time for a private meeting directly on my personal calendar [Link to Meeting tool].  

Real estate agent letter to a client to inform low interest rates

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