I am penning down this letter to seek your apology regarding my unbefitting behavior with Mr. Smith last Friday. I had never reckoned on myself conducting such an attitude that will create perturbation at the workplace. The circumstances molded themselves in such a way that day that abruptly I lost my temper and as a result shown an aggressive attitude. I was exceedingly irritated by unperceived pressure and as a consequence of that, I could not carry myself for which I am heartedly sorry and pursue an apology.
I know well that the organization has strict policies against disturbing the ambiance of the workplace and culprits have been rigorously in the past. Mr. Smith is one of the senior and prestigious employees of the organization and is esteemed by each staff member. I was wrong and I admit this thing that I used derogatory words that are not admissible at any workplace.
Hence, I showed dissent to the organization’s chastening policy and as consequence, I got suspended from the job. I totally admit that in terms of my attitude I was wrong, and I discern that I should beg pardon for my acts that caused discomposure. To err is human and considering this fact kindly endorses my apology as I am already regretting my act and extremely shameful for that.
Therefore, I pledge you to give me permission to resume my employment and provide me a second chance to correct myself. I make this certain that such actions will not be repeated in the future, and I will show my adherence to disciplinary policies of the organization and will aggravation as well.
Taking into consideration my previous record in the organization, I am hopeful that you will apprehend my condition, credit my apology, and will grant me permission to rejoin the job. Waiting to get a positive response from you! Thanking in anticipation.

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I wish you to find some minutes to go through my apology letter in which I am extremely sorry for my gestures that turned into disorderly conduct. With the help of this letter, I beg your pardon for not getting myself alliance with the disciplinary guidelines of the company.
Soon after my ill-mannered attitude I realized that it was not acceptable in any organization of the world, it was unwholesome for the company’s fame and perverted its portrayal in the market ad it made me feel blameworthy as I have been working in this organization over the past five years and I had not expected ever to carry myself like that.
After the meeting of the disciplinary committee, I got informed via letter that I am solely responsible for disrupting the workplace’s environment and creating disconcertment in the office. I am denying the fact that I was not wrong but there were some factors that lead to such action. I was not intended to behave like that but because of some ongoing personal issues I was agitated and for this reason, I could not direct myself and became confrontational.
I know that I should not have indulged my personal problems in office affairs, but I could not resist myself. I am sorry if my behavior and want to sort out it. I know that I do not have any right now to ask for a second chance, but I have realized my mistake and it was carried out unexpectedly. Kindly give me permission to serve this organization for the second time.
Moreover, I want to let you know that I am trying to find out the root cause of the problem and find a possible solution for it. I make this certain that I will not repeat such a mistake again and I will not give you a chance to receive any such grumble.
Kindly consider my apology for my ill-mannered act and provide me with a second chance in your organization. I will be highly obliged to you for this.

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