Hope you will be alright and doing well. I am writing this message to thank you for promoting me as managing director. It is all because of your trustworthiness and belief in me that I am upgraded to this level. Thanks a lot, to you for believing in me and thinking me capable enough to hold on to extra responsibilities. I am grateful to you as I was already passing through some financial crisis and this thing has proved beneficial for me. I have learned a lot of new things with your guidance. You have helped me throughout my career and completing projects. Without your continuous support, I could not have achieved this milestone. I will start working now with more vigilance and hard work as I am loaded with more responsibilities and expectations. Thank you so much once again for promoting me.
Yours truly,
Smith Pasteur
Dear Mr. Edward,
I am Anne Saxon and writing this message to my gratitude to you for the promotion. I am so much happy after listening to the news that I have got promoted to the level of area manager and I cannot thank you enough for all this. It could not be possible without your kind support and encouragement. I will try my best in the future to come to your expectations. Working with you has developed my inner capabilities and I have learned a lot of new things. Your guiding style and treating your employees is a way impressive. I will never break your trust ever and will work with more hard work. Thanks a lot for trusting me. May your success reach the height of the skies.
Joseph Shafiq

Dear Mr. Neil,
I do not know where to start. I am really amazed and surprised after getting the news of my promotion to assistant finance director. I was in seventh heaven and all this happened because of your trust in me. you have seen something really inspiring in me that made you think to promote me. I was not expecting all this at this time of the year. I really appreciate and praise you as my mentor and manager. You have helped to shape and mold my professional and career life and made me able to reshape my faults into competence. I really acknowledge everything that I learned from you. This milestone has been achieved because of leadership skills.
I consider myself proud and lucky enough to acquire these qualities and attributes from you. Words cannot quantify the guidance that you have shown. I am really honored to have you as my guider. You are not only a manager but also a true guide, mentor, and teacher. You are the best manager ever.
Jacob Paul
Dear Mr. Wilde,
Bundle of thanks to you for promoting me and providing me the chance to show my hidden talent and capabilities. I am writing this message as a thank you note. I have really worked hard day and night to get the experience and skills necessary for this job. I am thankful and honored that my hard work has brought colors and I have been rewarded with the best. I am so much excited to continue my job with new responsibilities and roles. I promise to fulfill your expectations in the future as well. I am grateful to you for trusting my abilities. All this success solely depends on your encouragement and support.
Oscar Marlow
Dear Mr. Christopher,
Hope you have been doing well. I am writing this message from the bottom of my heart to pay gratitude to you for the promotion. Thank you so much sir for considering my plea for promotion as I had been desirous of it for a long time. I am so much thankful to you for upgrading me to Area Manager. I will try my best to do justice with this position. It was my biggest dream to become an area manager the day I have joined [X] company. Your invaluable support and encouragement have made me able to achieve my goal. I have learned a lot of new things in your supervision that has polished me. I did not know that my dream of becoming an area manager will become reality so soon. Thank you once again for believing and supporting me. May God bless you with the best.
Sydney Carton