Birthday is a very memorable day and has great importance in everyone’s life. So, I am thankful to you for remembering me on my special day and making it memorable and enjoyable for me.
Here is a thank you note to you for wishing me on my birthday. You are a great boss so far who cares for his employees. It means a lot to me that you remembered me on my birthday and sent me your warm wishes. I really owe you for this. Thank you for your love.
I am heartedly thankful to you for wishing me on my special day. I was not expecting that you remember it. I am so much grateful that you remember your employee’s birthday. It really brought a smile to my face and I became very happy after seeing your message. Thanks a lot for your affection.
Hope you are doing well. I am writing this message to say thanks to you for making my special day special for me. Your wishes really mean a lot to me and I am really honored to have you as my mentor and leader.
First, I really want to thank you for being an important part of my life. Secondly, I want to thank you for sending all your love to me in the form of a birthday wish. It really means a lot to hear such encouraging and surprising words from a person who is your boss. Your wishes have really made my day. Thank you once again for making my day special for me.
To have a boss like you is the dream of every employee and I am very lucky in this regard that I am working under your supervision. I was really surprised to see your message sharp at 12:00 am. You were the first one that wished me, and it really brought tears of joy to my eyes. You are a fatherly figure to me, and I have learned many new things from you. I am thankful to you for wishing me on my birthday. May you be blessed always.
Hello sir. It was very refreshing for me to see your birthday wish. I got amazed that you had remembered it. It added more colors to my birthday. It was really wonderful and exuberant day. Your wishes mean a lot to me that no amount of money can be. Thanks a lot, to you for guiding me in each phase of life. Thank you once again.
There are some friends that become the part and parcel of your life and are like a family to you. You are not only my boss but a true friend in all sense. It was very surprising for me to receive your wishes on my birthday that I was not expecting. Every word of your wish means a lot to me and I am thankful to you for remembering me on this auspicious day. I am lucky to work under your supervision. Not only your wishes were beautiful but also the gift that you sent brought a smile to my face. I feel so much lucky to be surrounded by good persons like you. Thank you so much for being an important part of my life and for making my birthday the best birthday of my life. Loads of love to you.
I am so much amazed to receive your wishes. First, I am so much thankful to you for remembering my birth date. I am very lucky to be surrounded by sweet persons like you. You have proved that you are truly a great boss that adds color to his employee’s lives by spreading happiness and sending tokens of love. All my friends have wished me a birthday, but your way of wishing was so unique and beautiful that I became so much happy. You were asking for a birthday treat. So, get ready tomorrow, after office hours I will take you to the restaurant of your choice. Thank you so much once again for remembering me.
To receive birthday wishes from the person who really cares for you is a matter of great importance. I am so much lucky in this regard that I am surrounded by positive people around me who love me a lot. I am writing this message to say thanks to you for wishing and remembering me on my birthday. All my colleagues, friends, and family have sent me birthday wishes but your way of wishing was beyond expectations that I became really mesmerized. Thank you so much for all your love and support. I will celebrate my birthday in the office tomorrow after working hours. wish to see you there and it would be a great honor for me.