Cell Phone Usage at Work Policy Letters

Letter -1

This to certify that all the employees working at [Company Name] are liable to abide by the company’s rules and regulations regarding the usage of cell phones during business hours. It includes both incoming and outgoing calls. The purpose of implementing the policy is to promote safe and productive working environment.

Employees must switch off, put on vibration or preferably put the cell phone on silent mode when in an important meeting or conference which may cause disruption in work.

We at [Company Name] would prefer our employees to carry cell phones with them as we are aware of its necessity. But, any employee found disrupting the workflow would be liable for strict disciplinary action.

It is to be noted here that an accident because of improper handling of cell phone will result in the employee being subject to strict disciplinary action by the company.

We look forward to working in a healthy environment. Download

Letter -2

Cell phone usage at work policy letterThis is to bring in to the attention of all the employees that cell phone usage must be limited during working hours. At [Company Name] we prefer to work in a healthy and productive environment. The usage of cell phones must not go to an extent where it becomes difficult for us to survive together.

We are certainly not against its use as it is an important tool required for communication. But excessive usage of the cell phone which in turn disrupts the workflow will not be tolerated and employee may be subject to strict action as per the company policy.

If the supervisor observes the excessive use of cell phone by an employee, the company reserves the right of asking the employee to provide details of his incoming and outgoing calls to determine the duration of calls attended by the employee during business hours. Download

Letter -3

Cell phone usage at work policy letterThis to inform all the employees of [Company Name] that it has revised its cell phone usage policy. The same will be effective from the 25th of April 2018. Earlier we had adopted a very lenient policy which included carrying of smartphones at the workplace. I did not produce the desired results as an excessive use of the internet was observed which meant a change of policy.

The new policy will now make employees available not the smartphone but the simple cell phone. As we don’t want to block communication, we at [Company Name], abide our employees to use the simple cell phone in the workplace.

Anyone found disobeying the above-mentioned rule will be dealt strictly.


Letter -4

Cell phone usage at work policy letterThis is to bring in notice that employees having cell phones in the office are prohibited to use the internet during working hours. Moreover, no messaging or even making calls will be allowed, whether it is over the internet or just a simple call.

Office WIFI will also be closed for employees and will be provided in cases where it is needed for business purpose only. If by any means it is observed that the WIFI is being misused, the person will be dealt strictly.

The managing director Mr. James has said that any employee who for any reason is sent out for business purpose can use the internet for performing his work-related activities only which will be monitored.

Furthermore, the use of cell phones while driving will not be allowed even if an employee is out for the business purpose. In case of occurrence of an accident, the employee will be held responsible and not the company.

We believe to work in a safe and healthy environment. Download

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