On [date], I placed an online order for 50 inches LCD on your website. I received it about a week ago. After proper installation by your technical team, my family started using it, but I am sorry to say that the LCD is not working properly. Since the very first day of delivery, its color had been fading and it is not working manually too.
Your product is having many faults therefore, I want you to replace it. I also received a warranty letter with this product. It was mentioned that if the product turns out to be faulty or I am not satisfied with its quality. I can claim its warranty. In that case, the company will either replace it or offer me a full refund as compensation. I have always received quality products from your company but regretfully, this time I am completely unsatisfied with your product. Therefore, I request you to replace this LCD with a new one.
I have enclosed a copy of the original bill for reference. Please acknowledge my request and send me replaced LCD as soon as possible. My family is waiting very eagerly for it because this is the only source of entertainment for them in this far and flung area.
I want to let you know that I have already paid the delivery charges and it was your responsibility to send me a good quality product. Now, I will not pay even a single penny in lieu of delivery charges. These must be paid by your company rather.
I hope you will entertain my request at the earliest and give me a chance to say thank you.
Sincerely yours.
(Sample -2)
Subject: Request for warranty replacement
Dear Manager,
My name is Johnson, Assistant manager of stars pharmaceuticals Pvt. ltd. I want to let you know through this letter that after seeing your ad on social media, our company bought a lot of 200 laptops for its sales officers through order number PKR127. The order was placed on [date] and we were more than happy to receive it on time.
It was soon realized to us that a whole lot of laptops are having serious issues which need to be resolved immediately. The keys of many laptops are broken, and some systems have been found with completely damaged screens. Some are functioning but their battery timing is very low, and they soon become overeat after small usage. In short, I regret to say that you have sent us a substandard quality product.
We also received a warranty claim letter for the whole lot of laptops we purchased from your company. It was mentioned that your company will be liable to refund us full money or replace the product if it turns out to be faulty. As per our observation, all laptops are having serious issues, and these cannot be resolved immediately.
It will take some time which can disturb our smooth functioning. Therefore, it is our request to replace a whole lot of laptops with new ones as soon as possible. We shall be more than happy if you comply with our request at your earliest to save us time.
I want to mention that the product must be the same as per our desired specifications. Otherwise, we shall not buy anything from your company. Now, we want a timely response from your company.
It is expected that your company will take the necessary steps to replace the product.
Yours sincerely.