Re. Change in the Address of Edward Square Outlet i.e. Outlet # 202-CA
Dear Customers, with reference to the cited subject, it is informed that CDA shall not operate its outlet no. 202-CA which was in Edward Square as the address of the mentioned outlet has been changed. The new address is P-340 Queens Mary Road, 23019 in the same region.
Ministry of Land and Acquisition sent a notice to the headquarter of the CDA Clothing Store in Boston. In the notice, it was argued that the store has been in an inappropriate area according to the Land Acquisition Act 2018. According to the Ministry officials, it was entailed that the area has been approved as a residential area of Town in December 2020 by the Civil Department of Locality and Business Trade.
The outlet was built in 2013, hence, the current law did not imply till November 2018 until after the Land Acquisition Act 2012 was amended with the introduction of a new act by doing several changes in the previous laws. Moreover, Chief Justice also opined that the former law was antiquated and had no compliance with the present-day needs.
Viewing the situation, the Board of Governors, after long discussion and expert consultation affirmed to change the address of the outlet. The first opinion was to abolish the outlet service in the area but after logistical analysis of the business, it was concluded that no outlet should be shut down or abolished. Therefore, the address has been changed for the smooth running of the business in this area.
This decision has been made while keeping in view the requirements of our valued customers. Thus, we have shifted our outlet to one of the prime locations of the city and central to many areas settling it as reachable and at prime both. For more, you can call +[call]. Thanks for your cooperation.
CDA Clothing Store

Re. Business Address Change
Dear all,
This letter aims to inform change in the address of Jenifer Cosmo and Stella. To run the business in a completely smooth and suave way, we have changed the address of our business. This relocation has been done for better infrastructure and spacious building.
Former Address of the Business: POB-1209, Simon Street, Highway Tower, San Diego
New/Changed Address of the Business: K-1901, Sky Drive Edward Road, San Diego
The above mentioned are the details of the business address. You can visit our official page on Facebook by following the link [link] and view the pinned location by using Google Maps.
The relocation or shift from one place to another has been done for better infrastructure and spacious store. In the former address, we had a limited space where it was difficult to enhance our logistics. Moreover, the infrastructure of the building was outdated and needed large repairs. The space for the store was on the lease and the contract was about to end. hence, authorities preferred to shift and relocate the store instead of extending the contract.
If you have any queries regarding our new address, please do not hesitate to call us at +[call]. We have updated our location on Google Maps as well. The exact location of the new place has been pinned on the official page of Instagram and Facebook of our business.
Facebook: Jennifer Cosmo and Stella Official
Instagram: @jenifferc&s
The timing of the store shall be from 9 AM to 9 PM from Monday to Saturday. We thank you for your cooperation and love. We shall keep serving you at our best.
Lawrence Ton
Jeniffer Cosmo and Stella
San Diego,